Hello Fellow Fishing Enthusiasts

My name is Chris Mitchell, but many people call me Mitch.  I’ve been fishing in the San Diego and surrounding counties since I was 8.  I’m not a professional fishermen but I think it would be awesome to be one.  What I am is a geek who spends too many hours working on servers and networks and not enough time fishing.

I’ve been sitting on this domain name (sandiegobass.com) for a while so I figured it’s time I do something with it.  So here it is, my blog!  I could have made a web forum, wiki or even an online store but those just didn’t seem like my style.  I needed a way for me to ramble on about local fishing topics for my own amusement and hopefully a few people will read a post or two.  If anyone has any suggestions or input please leave a comment.

I hope you enjoy my blog!